Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the rectum and anus that can cause discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements. The duration of surgery for piles depends on the severity of the condition, hospitalization requirement may vary from outpatient to a few days, and post-surgery care may include pain management, dietary changes, and avoiding straining during bowel movements.
متوسط تكلفة العلاج-
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common medical condition that affects the anal region. It is characterized by swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus, which can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding during bowel movements. Piles can be classified into two types: internal and external. Internal piles occur inside the rectum and are usually painless, while external piles occur outside the anus and can be painful. The causes of piles include chronic constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Treatment options for piles include lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery in severe cases. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of piles to prevent complications such as anemia, infection, and thrombosis.
لماذا يجب عليك الاستفادة من العلاج في الهند؟
بنية تحتية متطورة للرعاية الصحية مع مرافق عالمية المستوى.
أطباء متخصصون ذوو خبرة عالية ومؤهلون على مستوى عالمي
علاجات فعالة من حيث التكلفة دون المساس بالجودة.
الحد الأدنى من وقت الانتظار للحصول على الرعاية الطبية السريعة.
نهج شمولي يجمع بين العلاجات التقليدية والبديلة لتحقيق رفاهية شاملة.